Essential oils and the coronavirus
On 7 March 2020 the World Health Organisation (WHO) issued a statement announcing that the global number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus – officially named COVID-19 – has surpassed 100,000.
On 7 March 2020 the World Health Organisation (WHO) issued a statement announcing that the global number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus – officially named COVID-19 – has surpassed 100,000.
Black Spruce (Picea mariana) is a coniferous evergreen tree native to Canada and the northeast of the United States. It’s sometimes labelled ‘Bog Spruce’ or ‘Swamp Spruce’, because it is usually found growing in boggy, swampy areas.
With the colder winter temperatures and the drop in daylight hours, many people find that they are affected by the ‘winter blues’ or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).
When we hear the word creativity, what are the associations that spring most readily to mind? Typically, our response is anything to do with the arts: musicians, artists, writers. However, creativity is not just about being artistic.
Feeling tired, anxious or stressed out? Here are some guidelines on how to use essential oils and their wonderful aromas and properties to help you relax and feel better.